Interested in a good read?

Wondering what books are worth your time and money? Look no further! Here’s a list of 10 books that have been highly rated by other women in their 30s. Explore this wonderful collection and get ready for an amazing journey into the world of reading. Through these stories, characters, and messages you can find great entertainment from some marvelous authors!

Ready to be amazed? each book has been approved by many women who know what it takes to succeed and give valuable insight on how to better in aspects of life. Don't miss out on all the goodness these books have to offer!

Keep reading to check out my list of 10 amazing novels found approved by women in their 30s! Start exploring today – you won’t regret it!

Just a heads up, Reading Rhapsody could make money from sales or other compensation through any of the links on this page if you purchase something – that’s how I keep afloat! My reviews have been tweaked to ensure they are both concise and clear. Nevertheless, all opinions in this article are my own. Now go ahead and begin your journey to find your next favorite read!

How I Choose

Problem: It can be tough to know which books to read when you're looking for advice on how to live your best life.

There are so many self-help books on the market, it's hard to know which ones will actually provide you with the advice you need.

I've researched for you and chosen 10 books that I think are worth your time. These books offer advice on everything from how to balance work and family commitments to how to find financial stability and emotional happiness.

Stop Overthinking, Master Your Emotions & Start Taking Action

This is a life-changing book that teaches readers how to take control of their emotions and manage their mindset. It offers invaluable insight into staying balanced and mindful at the moment. The book also guides how to break out of unhelpful thoughts and start taking decisive action.

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Why I love It!

This book has proven to be an incredible source of inspiration and guidance for both my personal and professional life. It outlines practical ways to manage anxiety and stress while still being able to take action. With its easy-to-understand tone and helpful exercises, it is the perfect read for anyone looking for better emotional control and the confidence to act on their goals. I can highly recommend this book for anyone wanting to unlock their inner potential - it does offer powerful advice that works!

What you should know

If you often find yourself stuck in the endless cycle of thinking and emotion-gripping fear, this book is for you. this book will teach you how to take decisive actions when facing difficult problems and make impactful decisions even when emotions try to cloud your judgment. Through simple yet powerful strategies based on real-life cases and personal experience, you'll learn healing mental practices that can help you ground yourself and understand the power of taking action with clarity. At the end of the day, the only way out of overthinking is to simply take action - "Stop Overthinking, Master Your Emotions & Start Taking Action by Brilliant Thinking" will equip you with all the necessary skills to do so!

Winning the War on Worry

Winning the War is a book that seeks to help readers find peace in their lives by challenging the worries and fears that plague them. Through training techniques and insights from Louie's own life, this book dives into why worrying can become such an overwhelming habit to break and then offers guidance for how to step away from it and lean on faith instead. Looking deeper than just providing strategies, this book delves into finding affirmation in God's presence no matter what life throws at you so that rather than worrying, you can trust His plan. Anyone familiar with Giglio's teachings will benefit from reading his newest book as he takes on the battle between worry and faith with useful tactics.

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Why I love It!

I absolutely love the book "Winning the War on Worry" by Louie Giglio. It has helped me tremendously in fighting my personal anxiety and fears. It is an easy read that is straightforward with practical steps to move from a life of anxiety and worry to a place of security and peace. I highly recommend this book if you are struggling with your worries since it will truly help open up a new perspective for you. The best part about this book is that its message is timeless, meaning it never gets old or outdated. Overall, this book has been an incredible blessing in my life and I would definitely encourage anyone seeking encouragement or help to check it out because its message is powerful yet simple.

What you should know

If you are looking for practical strategies to help you deal with the worries and anxieties of everyday life, "Winning the War on Worry" by Louie Giglio is an excellent resource. In this book, Louie draws on examples from his own journey to bring hope and assurance that it is possible to break free from a cycle of worry. He explores topics such as handling stress and dealing with fear, teaching readers how to recognize God’s firmly-held promise that He will never leave us or forsake us. It also contains spiritual principles which, if applied appropriately, can help readers gain greater freedom to live full lives unhindered by worry. While written in an easy-to-understand tone of voice and filled with relatable stories for people of all ages and backgrounds, this book offers valuable wisdom any reader can apply in their daily lives.

The Gift of Self-Love

Mary Jelkovsky's book, The Gift of Self-Love, helps people to see that loving oneself is a valuable and important journey. Throughout her book, Mary encourages her readers to take a step back from the rigors of everyday life and focus on working on themselves from the inside out. She explains how understanding self-love can help us to make the most out of our lives and relationships with others. It provides exercises and inspiring messages that act as gentle reminders that it’s ok to put yourself first. This empowering read will have you recognizing your true worth and feeling empathetic toward yourself.

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Why I love It!

The book covers a wide range of topics from building self-confidence, to letting go of negative thoughts, to learning the power of positive thinking. It's written in an easy-to-understand and comforting way that helps you apply the lessons quickly. I've found all the advice useful and empowering in my everyday life. It has helped me become more aware of my mindset so that I can be happier and live with greater fulfillment. I highly recommend this book to anyone who wants to take control of their mental well-being and start enjoying a healthier lifestyle.

What you should know

“The Gift of Self-Love" by Mary Jelkovsky is an empowering book that encourages readers to explore their individuality and find the strength to love themselves. Mary takes readers on a journey of self-discovery, providing practical tips, exercises, and relatable stories to form the foundation of true self-love. Through this book, readers can gain an understanding of how they are limiting themselves with negative thinking and learn how to break free from these harmful patterns. With its positive affirmations and honest advice, this book is perfect for anyone who seeks more meaningful relationships with themselves and others. Ultimately, The Gift of Self-Love will guide readers toward awakening their hearts and having a greater appreciation for all that lies within them.

The Woman Code

The Woman Code by Sophia A. Nelson offers an insightful lens on how women can better understand themselves and their power as independent, strong individuals. Throughout the book, Nelson explores topics such as the value of relating authentically with others, the need to create clear boundaries in our lives, and the importance of living within our own personal truth. Through a combination of personal stories and helpful guidance, The Woman Code encourages readers to take stock of their lives and begin focusing on being empowered by taking responsibility for their decisions. Nelson also provides valuable life hacks on how to break through barriers and reach success in our professional and personal lives. Through this must-read for any ambitious woman looking to make her mark on the world, readers will find an invaluable resource full of helpful advice on living life with intentionality and authenticity.

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Why I love It!

I often find myself recommending "The Woman Code" by Sophia A. Nelson whenever anyone asks me what book they should read which will empower them to be the best possible version of themselves. This book has been so important in my journey toward self-actualization and I believe that it can help virtually any woman who desires to be proactive about taking control of her life. ”The Woman Code" provides a roadmap for helping women to identify, understand and utilize their own personal power through an examination of twelve key principles and practices, as well as a willingness to engage in soul searching. As I have personally implemented this book's teachings, I have become empowered and have rediscovered my true self - A powerful individual worth living an authentic life with dignity and success.

What you should know

"The Woman Code" by Sophia A. Nelson is an important book for any woman looking to live a successful and fulfilling life. Written in practical and easy-to-understand language, this book is a must-read for any woman seeking to reach her potential. Through inspirational stories and examples from Nelson's own life, readers can better understand how to break through limiting beliefs that keep women from achieving success. The Woman Code also provides tools for self-reflection, actionable advice and strategies for problem-solving, navigating difficult relationships, communication tips, and tools for personal growth. With its dynamic combination of insightfulness and specific advice, The Woman Code is no doubt the go-to resource for modern women looking to be empowered and reach their highest potential.

Born to Shine

Born to Shine by Kendra Scott is an inspiring and uplifting book that offers important life lessons and the motivation you need to live your best life. Whether you're facing a challenge or just looking for some advice on how to better navigate life's ups and downs, Born to Shine is your secret weapon. Kendra Scott's simple yet powerful words will help you discover what matters most to you, remove clutter and distractions from your mind, and ultimately take charge of your own future. You'll finish Born to Shine feeling inspired, motivated and equipped with valuable tools that will help bring out the very best in yourself and the world around you.

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Why I love It!

I absolutely love the book "Born to Shine" by Kendra Scott. It is such an inspiring story of resilience in the face of adversity. Kendra takes us through her tumultuous upbringing as she overcomes seemingly insurmountable odds to become one of the world's most influential business leaders and empowering role models. Each page is filled with motivation and courage that make it almost impossible to put down! The lessons I learned from reading this powerful book made me appreciate overcoming challenges more than ever before. "Born to Shine" is certainly a must-read for anyone looking for some inspiration in their life.

What you should know

"Born to Shine" by Kendra Scott is the inspiring story of a young woman's journey from small-town Georgia to becoming a successful businesswoman and entrepreneur. This book covers the different challenges she faced and how she was able to drive through them and create her own apparel line. Through her story, readers learn about the power of self-belief, perseverance and what it takes to be truly successful in life. It's an inspiring read that will uplift anyone struggling with similar issues in their own lives. Written in an easy-to-understand tone, this is a must-read for people hoping to start or improve their own businesses.

This Book Won't Make You Happy

Niro Feliciano's new book, This Book Won't Make You Happy, offers an interesting perspective on true contentment. It explores the idea of going beyond shallow material pleasures, to rediscover our inner selves and find true joy. Feliciano looks to spiritual enlightenment as a path to happiness, creating a compelling argument that true fulfillment lies within us all. Through unique exercises and stories, this enlightening read is sure to be an inspirational force for those seeking connection with their higher self. Each page is presented in an easy-to-grasp tone of voice that makes the ideas easier than ever to digest and apply in one’s own life.

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Why I love It!

I love the book because of the way it challenges our perceptions surrounding the concept of happiness. Feliciano has crafted a thought-provoking story about a group of young adults struggling to find their place in the world as they come face to face with sobering realities. Through humor, wit, and sarcasm, Feliciano encourages readers to think critically about our own definitions of success in life and how that shapes our overall well-being. She also pushes us to consider unconventional ways to achieve genuine joy. Although the conclusion is bittersweet, this book offers an important message that many need to hear: sometimes we can only be happy once society’s constraints are cast aside and we allow ourselves to be honest about what truly brings us fulfillment.

What you should know

“This Book Won't Make You Happy” by Niro Feliciano is an important book about happiness. It explores the idea that true joy isn't something that's created artificially—it has to come from within you. The book also looks at how our culture often leads us to whitewash or ignore difficult moments or emotions in our lives. Rather than offering a “happiness pill,” this book provides thoughtful strategies for cultivating authentic satisfaction and finding real, lasting balance in life. Through simple exercises, inspiring stories, and personalized advice, readers can become aware of their own unique paths to true happiness.

Healing the Anxious Woman

Maiya Wolf's book, Healing the Anxious Woman, is a must-read for any woman struggling with anxiety. Using an easy-to-understand tone, Maiya discusses the cause of and potential treatment options for all forms of anxiety– from mild to extreme– addressing topics such as self-talk, safety behaviors, facing fears, and more. Throughout the book, Maiya encourages readers to use supportive mindfulness techniques such as tracking personal triggers, redefining their feelings and reactions to them in a positive way, and understanding that anxiety isn't a sign of weakness. Healing the Anxious Woman is filled with applicable advice that will help readers control their symptoms and ultimately overcome the struggles of anxiety.

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Why I love It!

This book really resonated with me and it's unlike any other self-help book that I have ever read. One of the best things about it is that it goes beyond just providing advice and strategies for managing anxiety; instead, it focuses on improving mental well-being in a holistic way, helping you to understand what's causing the anxiety and giving you plenty of effective tools to work through it. It provides a deep dive into understanding your inner world, enabling us to make positive changes that extend far into the future. What's more, Maiya Wolf writes with such warmth and compassion, so reading her words feels like being embraced by an old friend in times of distress. Her writing style is both honest and straightforward – she truly understands what it feels like to battle anxiety and so this knowledge runs through each page of the book. All in all, I highly recommend "Healing the Anxious Woman" – I guarantee that you won't be disappointed!

What you should know

“Healing the Anxious Woman” by Maiya Wolf offers a holistic approach to understanding and managing symptoms of anxiety. Written in an easy-to-understand format, the book helps readers work through their own anxieties and worries as well as better understand how anxiety works on a physiological level. From setting healthy boundaries to goal-setting, Wolf provides readers with tips and tricks to combat the fear and panic that comes with feeling anxious. Additionally, she provides relevant examples and case studies throughout the book to help make the concepts easier to apply. A comprehensive guide, “Healing the Anxious Woman” also explores techniques such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) that can be used to challenge unhealthy thoughts and habits associated with anxiety.

The Gifts of Imperfection: 10th Anniversary Edition

In this updated, anniversary edition, Brown explores how embracing imperfections can profoundly transform our lives. Through her honest, inspiring work we are able to recognize and develop worthiness within ourselves. Having sold over two million copies worldwide, it is no surprise that readers can easily engage with Brown's thoughtful messages of courage, compassion, and connection that are overflowing on every single page. Whether you’re an avid reader or searching for your own journey of self-discovery and transformation, The Gifts of Imperfection is the perfect read to help guide you along the way.

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Why I love It!

Reading this book was an eye-opening experience for me. Not only did I learn to accept myself as imperfect but I also gained the strength to step away from judgmental thinking and embrace my mistakes. The book encourages readers to make peace with themselves and accept who they are. It taught me that self-worth comes from being fully embraced and loved for who we are, not what people expect us to be. Through captivating stories and inspiring examples, it challenged me to take the risk of pushing the limits of my comfort zone, which has helped me gain newfound confidence in myself. For these reasons, I wholeheartedly believe that “The Gifts of Imperfection: 10th Anniversary Edition” is an incredible book that provides valuable insight into how embracing your imperfections is critical to developing true resilience and courage.

What you should know

This amazing book tackles many difficult topics without being preachy or judgemental, but instead with a dose of humor and an understanding heart. It guides its readers through ten guideposts - or in other words, core beliefs – that can help them lead a more authentic life filled with courage, compassion, and connection to those around them. If you want to learn how to embrace all of your flawed moments and imperfect qualities, pick up this book today. You won't regret it!

Self-Love Workbook for Women

If you’re looking for an easy-to-use and comprehensive guide to self-care and loving yourself, look no further than the Self-Love Workbook for Women by Megan Logan. Through this practical step-by-step program, women can get on the path to healing themselves both mentally and emotionally. It walks you through the fundamental principles of loving yourself while targeting the common blocks that could be keeping you from true contentment. Dive into activities, worksheets, and even a bonus affirmation section providing valuable insight into how one can cultivate self-love in their life. Whether it’s setting goals, practicing self-care, or establishing healthier boundaries with others, this workbook is designed to make it easier for conscious women to take charge of their well-being.

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Why I love It!

The book offers practical advice and techniques that help women practice self-love and acceptance, both of which are so important for helping us grow into well-rounded individuals. By engaging in what Logan calls "self-reflection", we can learn to take care of ourselves better while also discovering wide-reaching emotional and mental benefits. From journal prompts to visionary activities, each lesson is delivered in an easy-to-understand style that encourages exploration and introspection. Whether you're looking to improve your relationships or just treat yourself a bit better, this workbook has something to offer!

What you should know

This book provides tools to help women confront their fears and underlying issues, allowing them to gain insight into what might be holding them back from living a life full of joy and connection. Using this workbook, readers can learn how to develop the essential skills needed to create a healthier lifestyle. The book also takes an in-depth look at topics such as self-care, eliminating negative self-talk, discovering that inner strength, and creating healthy relationships with others. With its combination of positive affirmations, real talk, thought-provoking exercises, meaningful stories, and scientific facts about the brain – this workbook promises to equip readers with strategies to improve their lives from all angles.

Lighter by Yung Pueblo

Lighter by Yung Pueblo is an inspiring book that encourages people to practice peace and joy. It speaks to readers who are looking for a fresh start and a new way of relating to their past, present, and future. This book examines the power of love, understanding, and trust in finding freedom from needless suffering and pain. As it guides readers through thoughtful exercises and teachings, they can discover how they can use these principles to personally evolve and make positive choices in life. Offering golden nuggets of wisdom on every page, this book aims to help its readers find healing within themselves with the light of presence and love.

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Why I love It!

It has so much to offer readers in terms of growth and wisdom. It guides us through topics such as forgiveness and finding peace in moments of trial and adversity. Through analysis and thoughtful reframing, Yung Pueblo invites us to shift our perspective in order to become better at connecting with ourselves and those around us. The book also encourages readers to focus on how we can move forward from their mistakes and recognize the value they have regardless of past failures or misfortunes. I'm always Lighter has been a great source of comfort for me during more difficult times, guiding me back towards a place of understanding and insight.

What you should know

The book is written in an accessible and engaging style, making it easy to digest whether you are looking for inspiration or needing to find emotional balance. In "Lighter," Yung Pueblo shows readers why it's important not just to work on our mental and physical health but also our spiritual health. The author paints a vivid image of how we can turn towards spirituality as a means of dealing with difficult emotions like guilt, shame, and hatred. By helping us understand the purpose behind all our positive and negative parts, Yung Pueblo gives us a better understanding of why life is such an incredible journey.

The right book for you!

There is no one size fits all answer when it comes to the best books for women in their 30s, as it really depends on your interests and preferences. However, the books suggested in this blog post provide a great starting point.

No matter what stage of a woman's life is in her 30s, these books provide valuable insight into how to make the most out of her experiences for both unmarried women and those that are not. Through examples, stories, and advice from experts, each book helps to understand what matters and to strip away the unnecessary parts. By doing so, women obtain happiness and women's career success is more fulfilling which will make them happy. With these books, you can enrich your life with a huge variety of knowledge, while also taking time out to relax and unwind through story-telling.

Additionally, reading can be very beneficial for mental wellness, as studies have found that regular reading leads to reduced stress levels. So grab your favorite book, take some time out for yourself, and make sure you pick up at least one of the suggested titles!

Happy Reading!


What type of books should women in their 30s read?

Women in their 30s should look to read books that focus on life and career growth experiences, as well as stories of successful women who have overcome emotional and physical challenges. Books that examine the Women’s Cultural Movement, World War II, and magical thinking are also recommended. Examples of such books include Just a Young Girl by Rebecca De Mornay which provides insight into how modern society views not only parents but also uncles, teachers, friends, and neighbors who all play an important role in shaping a person's life.

What advice can I get from these books?

The books provide advice on how to cope with the obstacles that come with modern life such as how to balance work-life commitments and how to thrive both financially and emotionally. They also advise on how married and unmarried women can obtain happiness through a purpose-driven life while providing field-tested financial challenge solutions.

Do they offer behind-the-scenes stories?

Yes, many of the recommended books feature behind-the-scenes stories of twenty-five successful women and provide inspiring messages to younger generations of women on how to navigate through modern life with strength and resilience.

Are there any more book recommendations not on the list above?

Yes! here are a few more:

  • "The Happiness Project" by Gretchen Rubin
  • "Girl Wash Your Face" by Rachel Hollis
  • "The Confidence Code" by Katty Kay and Claire Shipman
  • “Daring Greatly” by Brené Brown