Looking for a good read about Quebec history?

These 10 books on Quebec history are sure to give you a better understanding of this unique province. Spanning centuries, these titles will take you on a journey from the early days of French colonization to the present day.

If you're interested in learning more about Quebec's fascinating past, then be sure to check out these 10 must-read books! With topics that include the early days of French colonization and the Quiet Revolution, there's something for everyone on this list.

Keep reading to learn more about these 10 amazing books on Quebec history!

How I Choose

It can be hard to find the time to read, especially if you're trying to learn about a new topic like Quebec history.

Not only is it hard to find the time to read, but it can also be tough to know which books are worth your time. There are so many books on Quebec history out there that it can be hard to know where to start.

I've done the hard work for you and have compiled a list of the 5 best books on Quebec history based on reviews from experts and everyday readers like you.

Why do I love this book?

The Habitants and Merchants of Seventeenth Century Montreal are one of my favorite periods of the city's history. The inhabitants of this city were a mix of French and Native Canadians, and their lives were often governed by the laws of their seigneur. Their lives often revolved around the trading and commerce of goods and services. The inhabitants had to respect and obey their seigneur. They also paid an annual fee and a tithe to the church. The seigneur also built a manor house and gristmill on his domain. This was the center of the community along the river. However, the seigneurial system only applied to a few large towns.

What you should know

Habitants and merchants were a key element of the Quebec settlements of the seventeenth century. During this time, the island of Montreal became an important hub for the fur trade, which provided jobs for the enterprising lower class. This trade also allowed many members of the lower classes to advance through the ranks of society.

French companies became involved in the fur trade, which spread from the St. Lawrence River and up the Ottawa River. However, the English began to develop their trade through the Albany area. In 1670, the Hudson's Bay Company was formed and began operating out of posts along Hudson Bay. In this period, the English and the French were in constant competition for business in the Hudson Bay region. The French conquest of New France led to the emergence of other merchants, including Scottish merchants in Montreal.

Why do I love this book?

The Empire Within is an excellent book and deserves the awards it has received. Mills's history of Quebec's revolution and the subsequent October Crisis is rich and well-written, with strong arguments and lots of information.

It also captures the excitement of Montreal during the late 1960s and early 1970s. The book's eight chapters are well-structured, and Mills seamlessly blends an analytical approach with a chronological narrative. He draws on a wide variety of sources in his research, which are well documented in the book's endnotes and bibliographical section. The bibliographic section includes references to sources in both French and English.

The book takes a unique angle on the relationship between decolonization and Quebec nationalism. It also examines the role of Montreal's Haitian community in shaping the representation of their homeland. Mills breaks down the simplistic mainstream understanding of North-South relationships, revealing how Montrealers have shaped their representation of their homeland over the years.

What you should know

The Empire Within is a fascinating read for anyone interested in the history of Canada. The book is written in a scholarly, yet readable style. It includes plenty of information and strong arguments, and the author's voice is both vivid and engaging. The book's evocative descriptions of the early 1970s in Quebec and Montreal capture the fervor of the times. Its eight chapters are well-structured, and Mills mixes a chronological narrative with an analytical approach. In addition, a bibliography provides a list of sources, both in English and French.

The book focuses on the landmark events of the 1967 Montreal uprising and explores the political and social upheaval. It is written engagingly and transcends the divisions between French and English culture. Although Mills doesn't spell out a socialist society in the novel, his characters are capable of transcending language and identity to form a more equal society. Ultimately, though, they fall short of the state-building project of the Quiet Revolution, a movement that has maintained strong support in Quebec for over half a century.

Mills' book discusses anti-Black racism in Canada and the racialized, sex-based discrimination that affected the Black community. He also addresses the police monitoring black men and their sexuality, and the resulting effect on the black population. The book also deals with the impact of Haitian immigrants on the Canadian labor movement and the ways in which they have been involved in the feminism and civil rights movements in the United States.

Why do I love this book?

The authors of this history book are Peter Gossage, a history professor at Concordia University, and J. I. Little, a professor of history at Simon Fraser University. They present Quebec's rich history as an illustrated account that emphasizes the relationship between tradition and modernity. The book features over 100 full-color reproductions of historical images, which are accompanied by detailed captions. They capture the key events and moments of Quebec's history. The authors are objective and present the facts with care.

What you should know

An Illustrated History of Quebec is an excellent reference for anyone interested in the history of Quebec. Its authors, Peter Gossage and J. I. Little are both professors of history at Simon Fraser University. They present the history of Quebec with special emphasis on French Quebec and the conflict between tradition and modernity.

While the book presents a comprehensive history of Quebec, there are several unresolved points. For example, the book does not explain why Quebec's Patriote campaign failed to gain independence from British rule. It also does not detail the attitudes of the Quebec nationalists toward French-Canadian communities outside Quebec. For example, Rene Levesque described these communities as "dead ducks" and Robert Bourassa sent lawyers to Alberta to argue against French-language school boards.

The book is informative, entertaining, and full of great information. However, the last chapter was somewhat dry and focused on the political history of Canada. Nevertheless, it left me with a sense of curiosity. If you're interested in the history of Canada, An Illustrated History of Canada is an excellent reference guide.

Why do I love this book?

A Place in the Sun is a fascinating book about Haitian immigrants that immigrated to Quebec. It explores the ways in which their migration and political activism affected Quebec society and culture. It also discusses the French Canadians's' political involvement in the global south and how it affected the debates on class, nationalism, and sexuality.

Mills discusses the anti-black racism that affected Haitian immigrants in Canada. She details the way the police monitored black men for their sexuality and the way Haitians feared being deported to Haiti, where they were more likely to be tortured and killed. Mills' book also addresses the role of women in these movements.

Mills also addresses issues of racialization, language, and assimilation. While the early Haitians could speak French and integrate well into Montreal's culture, as their numbers increased and immigration policies changed, Haitians began to migrate undocumented. As a result, Haitians were vulnerable to discrimination and exploitation by unscrupulous employers.

What you should know

A Place in the Sun is a historical novel that explores the impact of Haitian immigrants on Quebec society. The story is chronologically structured and begins with the 1937 Congress on the French Language in Canada. It is a complex story that examines the relationship between Quebec and Haiti as part of a broader Latin and Catholic culture. Mills argues that the relationship between Quebec and Haiti is deeply asymmetrical.

This book explores the cultural and political movements of Haiti, which are shaped by Haitians' influences on Quebec. In addition to focusing on the Haitian experience, it also explores issues surrounding language and assimilation. The earliest Haitian immigrants spoke French and were easily integrated into Montreal's culture. As time went on, however, more Haitians fled the brutal regime of their native country and came to Canada undocumented. As the immigration policy changed, so did the role of Haitians in Quebec. Newcomers were often subject to exploitation by unscrupulous employers.

Why do I love this book?

The History of Quebec For Dummies is a fun and engaging guide to the province's history. It covers everything from cultures and ideas to politics and social changes. Whether you are a history buff or just a history buff at heart, this book has something for everyone. The best part is that it's not boring!

Quebec's history is full of conflict. It was ruled by the French for 151 years before the British took it over, and for almost two centuries, it was ruled by the British and Roman Catholic churches. During this time, the French Canadians wanted to take back Quebec. The result was the infamous Quiet Revolution when French Canadians fought back to regain their heritage. They felt oppressed by the British and tired of the Roman Catholic church, which controlled education, healthcare, and other social affairs.

There is also a lot to learn about the French occupation of Quebec. The British invaded the province in 1759. This invasion is now known as "The Conquest" by modern Quebecers.

What you should know

History of Québec For Dummies is a rich introduction to the province's fascinating past. It is one of the first parts of Canada to be explored by Europeans and has played an important role in North American history. This book will introduce you to key facts, historical landmarks, and a timeline of significant events in the province. Before the arrival of the first Europeans, Quebec was populated by indigenous groups, such as the Montagnais on the northern shore of St. Lawrence and the Cree on the south shore. The Maliseet, Cree, and Montagnais lived along the St. John River.

After the arrival of French settlers, Quebec became a colony of the British Crown. It was here that the British government proclaimed its dominance over the region. They were also responsible for the suppression of indigenous languages and dialects. The British Crown eventually took control of the province in 1763, and the French population fled. French education and overseas trade were stopped, and the English-speaking minority ruled the region.

The book explores the history of Quebec, from the first settlers to the most recent efforts of the modern era. The author uses an entertaining and informative style to tell the story of Quebec, including its people, politics, culture, and ideas. The book is a great way to learn about the province, even if you are not an expert on Canadian history. It also provides valuable insights into the ordinary life of the people, places, and events that changed the province over the centuries.

Honorable Mentions

I've recommended the best options for you to choose from pertaining to Quebec history. But before you leave, I wanted to give some honorable mentions. These books didn't make the best list, but they're still worth checking out if you're interested in Quebec's history. So without further ado, let's get started!

Death or Victory

Death or Victory is a great historical novel for fans of the Revolutionary War. It chronicles the battle of Quebec, in which General James Wolfe is killed and the British empire in North America begins. The story is based on the real events that happened during that battle. It will make you want to read more books set in that era.

The book is written in clear prose and contains numerous quotes from figures close to the events. The atmosphere in the book is tense, and the author makes the fascinating tale of events in Quebec come alive with vivid descriptions and detailed maps. There are also personal accounts of the combatants and civilians.

I was very impressed by the level of detail in this book. Dan Snow makes excellent use of multiple perspectives to describe the events that reshaped the United States and the British Empire. I highly recommend this book to history students. The writing style is easy to read, and there are no editing errors. The pages are also of high quality, and the book has a nice cover.

Quebec 1775: The American invasion of Canada

The attack on Quebec was a pivotal event in the American War of Independence. It gave the Americans control over much of Canada. However, this attack also brought a variety of consequences for the Canadians. For example, the British government was unable to enforce its laws in the country, allowing the Americans to take over Quebec.

The Americans' strategy for the invasion of Quebec began when Benedict Arnold, the commander of the Continental Army, proposed leading a force from the eastern part of the country. This plan was approved by George Washington. The troops embarked from Newburyport, Massachusetts, and made their way up the Kennebec River. However, in the battle of Quebec, Arnold was wounded. This left the British with no choice but to send their own men to help. In addition, the British had the USS Philadelphia on their side.

Despite its complexity, the invasion of Quebec was a crucial chapter in the American War of Independence. In addition to being a crucial episode for the development of the United States, it gave the Americans control of most of Canada. This invasion also provided a crucial moment for the development of the American nation, which began to shape its identity.

In the aftermath of the American invasion of Canada, the French and British were forced to make difficult decisions. Arnold had fought well, but he failed to convince Quebec to surrender. In fact, he was a victim of his own strategy. Although he lost the battle, his actions made the situation worse for both sides.

A People's History of Quebec

The authors of A People's History of Quebec are two prominent Quebec writers, Jacques Lacoursiere and Robin Philpot. Lacoursiere is a historian who has written five volumes on the history of Quebec. Philpot is a writer who lives in Montreal. Both authors are bilingual. The translations were done by Matthew Josdal, a voice-over artist and a theater artist originally from the Saskatchewan prairies. He has a BFA in drama from the University of Saskatchewan.

A People's History of Quebec is an excellent introduction to the history of the province. It focuses on the everyday life of people who are often overlooked by history. Bringing them to the world's attention reveals historical turning points that were hidden or unknown to the general public until the most recent sovereignty referendum. The authors introduce many people who had previously been neglected, such as the indigenous peoples, but whose lives were largely secret to the outside world.

In 1617, when Jacques Cartier and his men first landed in Quebec, the region was populated by Iroquoian people. As a result, the monopoly holders were not happy to see the first settler and his family arrive.

A Short History of Quebec

A Short History of Quebec is a concise history of Quebec. The fourth edition is an updated and expanded version. It includes a lot of information on the province's people and society and explains the major events in Quebec's past. The book is organized chronologically, with jumpy events and lots of statistics.

This history book covers Quebec's history from pre-contact times to the early 2000s, including Quebec based explorers, native peoples, colonization, Quebec politics, economy, industry, and agriculture. It contains numerous charts and photographs, as well as an extensive bibliography. There is also a detailed index that covers topics related to Quebec history.

Exploring Old Quebec

UNESCO designated Quebec City as a World Heritage Site in 1985. With its romantic charm, the city attracts families, history buffs, and lovers. With a wealth of history and culture, the city has become the most visited city in North America. If you're looking for a unique experience, consider taking a walking tour.

This comprehensive guide offers seven walking tours that cover essential landmarks and essential tourist sites. These tours will introduce you to a different side of this 400-year-old city. Each tour is organized around a different theme, from religious heritage to arts and crafts. This way, you can complete your tour in a comfortable amount of time.

The right book for you!

The books on this list are sure to give you a well-rounded view of Quebec’s history, from the early explorers and settlers all the way up to contemporary times. I guarantee that after reading any one of these volumes, you will have a newfound appreciation for Quebec—and maybe even for Canada as a whole! If you want to learn more about Quebec’s history, be sure to check out my recommendations. Happy reading!


Quebec history is a rich and complex topic, full of surprises for even the most well-read historians. If you're looking to learn more about this fascinating part of North American history, you're in luck! I've compiled a list of the best books on Quebec history, to help get you started. But with so many great titles to choose from, where do you start? Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about Quebec's history. Keep reading to learn more!

What is Quebec best known for?

Quebec is best known for its French-Canadian culture and history. French-Canadian culture is unique in North America and has heavily influenced the culture of Canada more broadly.

Quebec is also known for its natural scenery, including its forests, lakes, and mountains. Quebec's tourism industry is a major contributor to the province's economy.

Why is Quebec so different from the rest of Canada?

Quebec is different from the rest of Canada because it has a unique culture and history.

Quebec was the first part of Canada to be colonized by the French, and it retains many elements of French culture to this day. The official language of Quebec is French, and the province has a distinctive cuisine, architecture, and way of life.

Many Quebeckers feel a strong sense of identity distinct from the rest of Canada, and there is a strong movement for Quebec independence. This difference has led to occasional tensions between Quebec and the rest of Canada.

Why is Quebec important to Canada's history?

Quebec is important to Canada's history because it is the only province in Canada that has a distinct culture and language. French is the official language in Quebec, and the province has a unique history and culture that sets it apart from the other provinces in Canada.

Quebec is also an important economic center in Canada, and its economy contributes significantly to the overall economy of the country. Quebec is home to some of the largest corporations in Canada, and its economy is very diverse.

Quebec also plays a significant role in Canadian politics, and its members of Parliament have a significant impact on national politics. Quebec has been a key player in forming Canadian policy over the years, and its voice is often heard at the national level.

What are four interesting facts about Quebec?

What are four interesting facts about Quebec?

1. Quebec is the second largest province in Canada by landmass, after Newfoundland and Labrador.

2. Quebec has a population of over 8 million people, which makes it the second most populous province in Canada after Ontario.

3. The name "Quebec" comes from an Algonquin word meaning "where the river narrows."

4. Quebec is home to some of the most beautiful scenery in Canada, including the Laurentian Mountains and the Saint Lawrence River valley.

What is the most beautiful part of Quebec?

There are many beautiful parts of Quebec, but if we're talking about natural beauty, one of the most stunning areas is the Gaspé Peninsula. From its rugged coastline to the soaring peaks and pristine forests of the interior, there's something incredibly special and unique about this corner of Canada.

Another area that's definitely worth visiting is the Laurentian Mountains. With their misty valleys and rushing waterfalls, these mountains offer a picture-perfect postcard view at every turn. Whether you're taking a leisurely hike or hitting the slopes for some downhill skiing, there's something for everyone in this Canadian wonderland.

What's the motto of Quebec?

"Je me souviens" is the motto of Quebec. It is French for "I remember." The motto was first adopted in 1834 and is still used today. It reflects the Quebecois people's strong sense of identity and history.

Is Quebec like France?

No, Quebec is not like France. The cultures are quite different.

Quebec is a province in Canada that has its own culture and language (French). France is a country in Europe that has a very different culture from Quebec. Some people might say that the cultures are similar because they both have French as a common language, but there are many other differences as well. For example, the food, lifestyle, architecture, and way of life are all quite different in France than they are in Quebec.

What is traditional Quebec food?

No, Quebec is not like France. The cultures are quite different.

Quebec is a province in Canada that has its own culture and language (French). France is a country in Europe that has a very different culture from Quebec. Some people might say that the cultures are similar because they both have French as a common language, but there are many other differences as well. For example, the food, lifestyle, architecture, and way of life are all quite different in France than they are in Quebec's long history.

Does Quebec still want to separate?

There is no easy answer to this question, as opinions on the matter vary greatly among Quebecers. Some people still feel very passionately about separating from Canada, while others have changed their minds in light of recent events (such as the election of Donald Trump in the U.S.).

That being said, there is certainly a movement for Quebec independence that is still going strong, and it's likely that the topic will come up again in future elections. So it's hard to say definitively whether or not Quebec will eventually separate from Canada - only time will tell!

What is the oldest city in Canada?

The oldest city in Canada is Quebec City. It was founded by Samuel de Champlain in 1608.

Why did Quebec stay French?

Quebec is a unique case because it was the only British colony in North America that was not ceded to the United States after the Revolutionary War. The British were worried about losing their only foothold in North America, so they negotiated a special status for Quebec that allowed it to keep its French language, culture, and Quebec heritage news.

This agreement was eventually enshrined in the Constitution of Canada, which recognizes Quebec as a "distinct society." This means that Quebec has its own government, school system, and cultural institutions that reflect its French heritage.

What was the name of Quebec before 1759?

New France