Are you looking to become an effective coach or a better coach?

If so, then we have just what you need. Check out our must-have soccer coaching books that are packed with reliable advice and helpful tips from the world’s best coaches. With these essential reads, you can easily take your team to the next level and win more games! Learn strategies for developing strong individual players as well as teams that play together seamlessly.

Expand your knowledge base and gain new insights into winning tactics and how to manage the pressure of big matches. Discover stories of legendary coaches who achieved greatness despite obstacles like language barriers, age differences, or lack of resources – all while tightening up your leadership style along the way! These books will help refine you into an excellent coach in no time at all.

Just a heads up, Reading Rhapsody could make money from sales or other compensation through any of the links on this page if you purchase something – that’s how I keep afloat! My reviews have been tweaked to ensure they are both concise and clear. Nevertheless, all opinions in this article are my own. Now go ahead and begin your journey to find your next favorite read!

How I Choose

Most people don't have time to read an entire book, especially if it's about a topic they're not familiar with.

Not only do you have to worry about finding the time to read an entire book, but you also have to worry about whether or not the book is even worth your time. With so many books on the market, how can you be sure that you're picking the best one?

This list of the 10 best soccer coaching books will help make your decision easier. All of these are highly rated by customers who have already read them, and they range in topics from beginner to advanced skills. So whether you're just starting out in football coaching or looking for more information on specific techniques, there's something for everyone here.

Coach to Coach

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Why do I love it?

“Coach to Coach is a captivating book that has not only motivated me to pursue being a great leader, but also to take on an entirely new, forward-thinking, way of approach. Throughout the book, Martin teaches and articulates vital lessons on guidance, coaching points, guiding teams, and understanding individual personalities; each issue carries an array of layers that keep motivating one to read further. For example, he recommends identifying employees’ unique strengths to make use of them more efficiently no matter which realm they fit - coaching or non-coaching related tasks. The ability to identify potential stars is something I truly admire while reading his book. Apart from this, learning how all those disconnected pieces fit into one puzzle is quite enjoyable - something this book provides insights into, making it a fantastic source for bettering oneself as a leader.

What you should know

Martin Rooney's book, “Coach to Coach” is exactly what it promises and more. This timeless story has been hailed by influential figures such as Tony Robbins and Jack Canfield for the invaluable insights into leadership and personal development it provides. Through inspiring anecdotes from multiple high-performing coaches, Rooney delivers actionable advice about succeeding with integrity. His mission is to offer real-world experience on staying focused, building an elite team, and providing top-notch customer service that will help take your organization from surviving to thriving. In addition, he gives practical tips on developing leadership skills such as becoming aware of bad habits, learning from mistakes, and finding strength in adversity. As a result, this volume provides readers with the inspiration and wisdom they can use to achieve their goals no matter what obstacles they face

Coaching Positional Play

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Why do I love it?

I love the book because it does an incredible job of breaking down the process of teaching attacking soccer tactics. It explains a comprehensive process for opening up and exploiting spaces (zones) within the opposition defense. Perhaps best of all, Basile neatly summarizes the goal of expansion play by saying “the idea is to occupy those areas of the pitch that create multiple scenarios” when playing the attacking side. He makes clear that spatial awareness must be honed, and movement within space should be fluid and dynamic, making use of angles and angles-cum-diagonals. Tactics are explained with numerical values to simplify understanding and implementation in practice. With this detailed book laid out in easy-to-understand language, youth soccer coaches at every level can benefit from learning these expansive attacking tactics!

What you should know

“Coaching Positional Play - Expansive Football Attacking Tactics & Practices” by Pasquale Casà Basile is the perfect book for any serious football coach or lover of football strategy looking to add a new level of depth to their training. This book is designed to help coaches develop an effective plan of attack, both in the running and passing games. Focusing mainly on 4-3-3 and 3-5-2 systems, the book explains how to organize players from offense to defense and how those roles change based on where players are positioned. Additionally, Casà Basile provides readers with insight into how different formations shape defensive strategies and discuss tactics such as pressing, counter-attacking, zonal marking, and build-up play. With an array of detailed diagrams, photographs, examples, and exercises included in the book, this serves as a great guide for anyone looking to become a better football coach or player.

Training Soccer Champions

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Why do I love it?

This book is packed with proven techniques and curriculum for training, planning, and playing the successful soccer team that any coach or organization wants to have. Coach Dorrance speaks from experience about how teams should create a winning strategy, prepare mentally and develop physically to compete in top tournaments or leagues. Most famously, Dorrance's Carolina teams have won 22 National Championships in Women's Soccer, earned 20 NCAA titles, and even set out to build a long-term success story. I'm especially inspired by the "Triangle of Player Development" that he created: Technical Talent, Tactical Intelligence, and Physical Presence. Even though this book can sometimes be very technical in its approach to the best soccer coaching systems, it nonetheless presents us with a fresh perspective on how we teach game skills to motivate and interact with our athletes. It is an essential read for any coach or anyone interested in developing their craft of coaching soccer successfully!

What you should know

With 28 National Championships under his belt, Anson’s teachings demonstrate the kind of commitment necessary to become a champion. The book covers specific technical drills, as well as psychological and tactical analysis to help individuals and teams reach their full potential. He presents several elements of his “winning formula” including a commitment to intelligent defense, positional awareness, quick-thinking decisions, and communication strategies. His methods employ more than just physical tactics – they emphasize the mental strength it takes to be a champion in any field. Anson’s training techniques ensure that his teams are more than just an organized group of players; they are disciplined strategic thinkers who can outplay any opponents with intelligence and skill. If you want to learn the secrets of game-winning performance, Training Soccer Champions is essential reading.

Every Moment Matters

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Why do I love it?

As somebody who is constantly striving to reach their peak performance, “Every Moment Matters" was an absolute must-read for me. It's filled with knowledge and insights from some of the most successful and renowned coaches, including Bill Belichick, John Wooden, Doc Rivers, and many others. This book launched me on a journey to becoming an even better leader, teacher, and coach by providing real-world lessons on how top coaches lead and motivate their athletes to greatness. One of my favorite quotes from the book is “Your job as a coach is to create environments where players can find success" - Doc Rivers. I think this speaks volumes about what a great head coach really should be focused on- creating an environment that allows each athlete to reach their peak performance potential like in the premier league. Overall, this is an incredibly inspiring read that comes highly recommended by me!

What you should know

Every Moment Matters is a must-read guide for professional and youth coaches or even athletes seeking to develop successful teams like. The book draws on a study conducted by O’Sullivan as well as knowledge from other esteemed experts to provide advice and tips on how to build competitive teams. It contains tools that help readers analyze their current approach toward coaching their athletes and make necessary changes. In this book, O’Sullivan explains the five acts of the team-building process that coaches need to deploy in order to produce winning teams: finding a shared vision, fostering discipline, emphasizing the family bond among the team's players, creating enthusiasm for the game, and developing grit. Additionally, readers also learn about successful strategies like having a system of accountability and using language as a lever of performance. All in all, Every Moment Matters provides vital guidance for anyone disturbed by America's waning athletic success or eager to refine existing techniques for developing top-notch sports teams.

Why do I love it?

This eventful and informative book provides users with easy-to-follow diagrams, detailed instructions, specific scenarios, and in-depth analysis that will help provide knowledge. Not only does this book give the reader exercises that can be practiced to increase offensive awareness, but it also teaches you how to properly defend while attacking. Additionally, readers will discover exclusive insight answers on writing formations and why some attackers prefer switching play in certain patterns over others. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced soccer player already, this book provides helpful information elements that can benefit anyone who is looking to step up their game in the goal-scoring world of soccer.

What you should know

This book is the ultimate guide to learning attacking play directly from the legendary manager himself! This book includes extensive diagrams, real-time footage, and descriptive drills to help you better understand how to master the art of attacking football. It also includes information on formations and tactical strategies so that you can recreate Pep's amazing possession-based game in your own practices. With this unique book, you will gain exclusive insight into his successful managerial style, as well as develop both your soccer knowledge and technical skills.

Why do I love it?

It is a comprehensive guide to soccer, not only teaching the fundamentals of soccer but also examining the deeper tactics and strategies that elite players use to stay one step ahead. I have learned so much through this book - from tips on how to read different passes to focusing on team-building goals - it has all helped me become a better player. One thing I'm now more aware of when playing with my teammates is intangibles such as work rate and communication; Dan Blank emphasizes that these are essential for success in any competitive match situation, regardless of skill level. Plus, he offers valuable insights into how teams should adapt their strategies depending on their opponent's lineup or formation changes.

What you should know

This book not only provides insightful advice to help make better but inspires readers with actual stories from elite youth coaches and athletes whose path to excellence can teach readers lessons they’ll never forget. The book is organized into five main topics: seeing the bigger picture, focusing on fundamentals, making smart decisions, playing as a team, and staying comfortable with risk. Additionally, it reveals how to develop character traits such as courage and dedication that will help accelerate young players’ development. With its detailed descriptions of the mental and emotional game focusing on key principles of leadership and teamwork developed through personal practice sessions, Soccer IQ is a must-read for any person aiming to become a smarter player.

Soccer Smarts for Kids

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Why do I love it?

I love this book because it doesn't just teach athletic drills - it goes much deeper than that, providing invaluable information on building up mental toughness and the complexities of the game. It's great to have insight on the soccer field from a professional like Andrew to help me pick up subtle nuances in strategy and tactics. One thing I really appreciate about this book is the way Andrew includes details on important aspects such as nutrition and recovery - understanding how to stay healthy is key for optimal results when playing at a competitive level! With exercises executed step-by-step in legible diagrams, detailed descriptions of principles and strategy, and thoughtful insight from a professional, Soccer Smarts for Kids has become an essential tool for helping youth football players hone their skills and perform better on the field.

What you should know

It covers everything from basic drills to the philosophy of success in soccer with the intent to help young players become smarter, faster, and fitter on the pitch. The book is divided into eight comprehensive chapters; each focusing on a key element of practice, coaching points, and play. From ball handling fundamentals to dictating space with smart positioning, Soccer Smarts for Kids covers all essential aspects of the game. There's even a chapter devoted to gaining an upper hand through masterful tactics during match situations. Whether it's honing dribbling skills or refining positional play, this book provides kids with abundant tips, tactics practice drills, and strategies to stand out in their team's performance.

Coaching Transition Play

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Why do I love it?

The book Coaching Transition Play by Michail Tsokaktsidis is an incredibly informative and engaging read. It's not just filled with tactics from five of the best soccer coaches in the modern age – Diego Simeone, Pep Guardiola, Jurgen Klopp, Jose Mourinho, and Claudio Ranieri – but it also shows coaches exactly how to implement these tactics in an easy-to-understand format. It does this by breaking each tactic down into manageable bits such as setup plays, ball-oriented moves, passing combinations, and defensive strategies. Throughout the book, there are plenty of diagrams and practice exercises that help you understand exactly what each coach means when they talk about transition play. Moreover, this book is designed so even beginners or inexperienced can use it; Tsokaktsidis provides a wealth of practical advice on coaching fundamentals like motivating players, analyzing your opponents, and inspiring your team.

What you should know

Coaching Transition Play is an essential resource for coaches and players looking to learn more about transition play. Written by Michail Tsokaktsidis, the book offers an explanation and analysis of 23 full coaching and training sessions created by some of the world’s most successful soccer coaches—such as Diego Simeone of Atletico Madrid, José Mourinho of Tottenham Hotspur, and Jürgen Klopp at Liverpool FC. This book offers better insight into the high press, and ball possession strategies employed by these influential managers. What really sets this book apart however is that it gives coaches the opportunity to look over actual session plans used by these stalwarts in their own training environments. With access to unique insights contained within this handbook, any coach or player will be able to take a peek inside what makes these big names tick when transferring their tactics onto a football pitch.

Masters of Modern Soccer

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Why do I love it?

This book gives an in-depth look at soccer today, which is drastically different from what it used to be. Through interviews with some of the sport’s greatest players and coaches, Grant Wahl shares secrets and best practices on what makes a successful team. Refreshingly, this fantastic work also includes anecdotes about training novel skills for elite level, such as first touches on airballs or practicing fast reactions under pressure. Furthermore, he provides advice on how players can maximize their performance without expensive equipment or technology. The layout of this book makes it easy to follow and even enjoyable to read! Finally, I recommend this book not only to any modern soccer coach or enthusiast looking to stay up-to-date with the game but also to any fan who wants a concise yet detailed insight into how modern soccer works.

What you should know

Masters of Modern Soccer is about discovering the secrets behind the brilliance of players in today's game. It provides intimate details on how world-class players such as Messi, Ronaldo, and Neymar shine at their best. Through exclusive interviews with current and past stars, coaches, and team owners, Wahl shows readers why elite soccer today looks much different than it did just a decade ago. The book also explores some of the strategic decisions teams use to dominate their opponents, covers how contemporary technology impacts tactics and even shines a light on energy drinks and nutrition which are crucial for keeping up with the changing fitness demands of the sport. In all, Masters of Modern Soccer promises an engaging glimpse into how and why modern pro-level soccer talents have taken their game to dazzling new heights.

Soccer Training

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Why do I love it?

I love the book Soccer Training because it not only provides a thorough education in soccer but also teaches its readers the proper attitude to have towards the game. Dylan Joseph brings an understanding to his work that only comes from experienced coaching in the sport. He really gets to the core of what makes soccer an interesting game and does so with detailed instructions, pictures, and powerful examples. Most importantly, Dylan offers insight into training both on and off the pitch - something every player needs. With his pragmatic approach to teaching skills as well as tactical and mental components of the soccer game, this book is ideal for intelligent players who want to take their playing up a notch!

What you should know

Soccer Training is an essential book that those with a passion for soccer cannot afford to miss! Inside this book, Dylan Joseph has compiled tips, tricks, and strategies based on his extensive experience working with elite professional and coaches, and players. Readers can easily implement the advice featured such as how to develop fundamental skills of passing, dribbling, and shooting. Comprehensive guidance is also given on tactical play like recognizing team formations and understanding strategy in open play. Furthermore, this book includes critical information about psychology such as developing mental toughness in decisive matches and staying motivated during periods of low confidence.

The right book for you!

With the right resources, both experienced and novice coaches have the knowledge to ensure their team's success. The best soccer coaching books analyzed in this blog post provide an essential source of information for coaches of all levels. They provide a clear understanding of the technical aspects of soccer as well as advice on tactics and game analysis, making them the perfect choice for any soccer coach looking to take their team to the next level. Additionally, with guidance from these top books here, coaches can become more confident in providing more complete instruction and guidance to their players. The world of soccer and coaching youth and adults has never been more accessible or enjoyable than when these best soccer coaching books are readily available.

Happy Reading!