If you're a parent, you know how hard it can be to co-parent with someone. When there's high conflict between you and your partner, it can feel impossible to move forward with your relationship. But there are some things you can do to make co-parenting more peaceful.


Co-parenting a child in a high-conflict situation can be a tough and exhausting experience. However, it is not impossible to get through the difficulties and work out a resolution. There are several strategies that can help you. You will just have to recognize the condition (narcissistic and emotional abuse) and utilize the right communication methods.

Keeping emotions in check is essential. For example, you should also limit your contact with high-conflict individuals. This means that you should only communicate with him or her on issues that are relevant to your children.

If the situation escalates, you may need to walk away. Doing so will reduce the risk of a fight in front of your kids.


One of the biggest challenges of parenting is balancing discipline with flexibility. Children need to feel that both parents are available to them at all times. Having a flexible schedule can help them adjust to their new normal and feel secure in the process.

Developing a parenting plan that outlines the rules of the road can be a great way to avoid unnecessary family conflict. You might even be able to come up with a set of rules that will allow both parents to participate in the parenting decision-making process. This is especially important when children are involved.

While the best parent-child relationship is the one that exists when both parents are in the same house, that is not always possible. There are situations where one parent is stuck at work or out of town. Parents can pick up their kids from school or attend an event outside the home.


Stability in high-conflict co-parenting is no easy feat. This is especially true when your ex has high and unreasonable exceptions. This is the type who can find a reason to argue with you. Fortunately, there are steps that you can take to keep the peace. For starters, you should try to keep your wits about you. And in terms of high-conflict co-parenting, you can minimize the odds of a nasty argument by establishing a collaborative style of parent-child communication.

The best way to achieve this is to find a family counselor, who can provide guidance and assistance. There are a number of options, ranging from in-person sessions to phone consultations. If you need help with the finer points of a child custody agreement, your family lawyer can also be a nifty resource.


Forgiveness is a significant factor in both co-parenting and romantic relationships. It is a process that involves overcoming negative feelings, behavioral tendencies, and emotional abuse.

Some research suggests that forgiveness may reduce conflicts and improve a relationship. This was the case in a study published by Psychology Today. The article discussed a number of predictors for forgiveness.

Among these was the fact that it was associated with a higher score on the benevolence quotient. But, surprisingly, it was also found to be negatively associated with narcissistic entitlement.

The authors argue that this does not mean that narcissistic entitlement is the only obstacle to forgiveness. They suggest that other factors, such as low concern for the other parent, can also be obstacles.

Now, if it becomes difficult to reason with one another, parallel parenting will probably be best. How does parallel parenting work? Simply put your house, your rules. It's their home, and their rules apply. Parents have equal rights when it comes to major decisions (like medical or educational decisions).

Past and psychic identity

One of the biggest challenges in co-parenting is navigating the minefield that is your co-parent's relationship. Although the high-conflict ex may have the upper hand, their egos inevitably rear their heads, and the child's best interests may be at stake. The best way to mitigate the aforementioned pitfalls is to assemble a savvy and supportive group of friends and family.

However, such a strategy is more challenging to pull off than you might imagine. For starters, each co-parent needs to be on their game in order to succeed. This means each will have to be in touch with each other's schedules and expectations and have the willingness to compromise in order to avert the aforementioned calamity.

Religious choices

If you are in a high-conflict co-parenting situation, religion can be a difficult topic to discuss. A number of studies have shown that religious beliefs can impact parenting styles and negatively affect children's behavior and emotional health.

For some, arguing over their religion can lead to conflict and divorce. However, there are ways to avoid religious disagreements in co-parenting.

One way to avoid conflict is to respect your child's other parent's beliefs. You may not agree with every aspect of his or her religion, but try to understand and respect the other parent's opinions for the sake of your children.

It is important to keep in mind that your child's best interests are your number one priority. When you and your ex-partner disagree on religious matters, it may be helpful to hire an attorney to assist you with the child custody process.

Helpful Resource

If you're looking for advice on how to be effective co-parents, you've come to the right place! Click the link to check out some of the top books about this important subject. These books have been carefully chosen to provide expertise from industry professionals, useful tips, and positive stories from those who have successfully navigated co-parenting situations even in high-conflict personalities.

You'll be empowered with valuable information and practical strategies that can make all the difference in how you approach your co-parenting journey, especially with a high-conflict co-parent. So what are you waiting for? Get the resources you need now by clicking the link!